Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fast Food Nation: OZ Style

I'm not going to sit here and try to argue that America doesn't sit atop the fast-food throne. The very idea of fast food was born and bread in the States, and it's influence is apparent. HOWEVER, I strongly disagree with what was said in the main course blog, that fast food is only relegated to road stops and other inconvenient locations in more developed countries. That's simply not true; in Australia at least, fast food is just as widely consumed and in-your face as in America.

First and foremost, it should be noted that Australia is, per-capita, currently the most obese nation on the planet. Walk down a busy street in Sydney and you'll see why: along with the usual name brand suspects (McDonalds, which they warmly refer to as "Mackers," KFC and Hungry Jack's, which is the same restaurant as Burger King), you'll find street venders and local stores peddling all sorts of deliciously heart clogging food. Any food you purchase is gonna be fried, breaded and/or greasy. They really don't have a lot of healthy alternatives in that country, aside from Subway.

Part of the reason we consider America to be so fast food oriented is the media. We're simply portrayed to be this country of burger loving people; that might be true, but we certainly aren't alone in this respect. Australia consumes a lot of fast food as well, and I'm sure there are other countries whose names we can throw into the discussion. Point is: America isn't alone in this rather unhealthy habit.

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